Rear Admiral Awwal Zubairu Gambo, Nigeria’s Chief of Naval Staff
The Nigerian Navy has disclosed that over N10 billion worth of stolen crude oil and petroleum products were denied oil thieves in the course the of Operation DAKATAR DA BARAWO (OPDDB)
in April 2022. Meanwhile the Service has extended the
duration of the operation beyond the first 30 days.

On 1 May 2022 therefore, Nigerian Navy Ship (NNS) PATHFINDER at Port-Harcourt conducted swamp buggy operations in Cawthorne Channel to clear identified refining sites.

The Base intercepted one wooden boat laden with unspecified quantity of illegally refined AGO at Isaka. On 2 May 2022, the Base arrested 12 suspects, 3 wooden boats and one speed boat laden with
illegally refined AGO.

Equally on Tuesday 3 May 2022, NNS PATHFINDER raidedTongolonsoju and Sokko communities. Credible report had indicated that the 2 communities serve as critical enablers to the notorious market square illegal refining camps.

Also, the communities were semi-shelter stations to illegal bunkerers and
necessary logistics for building and sustaining the illegal refineries were sourced from
the communities. Items recovered from the raid include 5 generators, 10 pumping
machines, several pipes, large hoses, welding equipment, pipes and metal sheets for the
construction of storage tanks and cooking pots. In addition, 12 suspected economic
saboteurs were apprehended, to be handed over to a prosecuting agency.
On the same day, Forward Operating Base (FOB) ESCRAVOS in Delta State
discovered a newly constructed Illegal Refining Site (IRS) along Ogulaha Creek in
Burutu LGA. The IRS was active with a total of 10 ovens, 17 metal storage tanks and 4
large pits collectively laden with about 250,000 litres and 400,000 litres of illegally
refined AGO and stolen crude oil respectively.

Also, FOB ESCRAVOS intercepted 3 speedboats loaded with 136 x 25 litre gallons filled with locally refined AGO amounting to about 5,400 litres. The 3 x 115hp speedboats, 2 x 40 Hp and one 9.9 Hp speedboat engines were recovered while the products were neutralized. Again, FOB ESCRAVOS within Jones
Creek in Warri South-West LGA discovered a boat laden with about 4,000 litres of
illegally refined AGO.

The Base also intercepted a speedboat loaded with gallons of illegally refined AGO which the boat owner(s) had started throwing overboard into the water on sighting the Navy patrol boat before they eloped to avoid arrest.

Meanwhile, the entire products were all destroyed.
Also, on 4 May 2022, NNS PATHFINDER again intercepted 4 wooden boats laden
with unspecified amounts of AGO at Isaka Junction. The 4 boats were temporarily


secured at a Buoy and later towed to the Base jetty. Sequel to the raid/cordon and search
operations conducted by the Base at Tongolonsunju and Sosokoroso in Cawthorne
Channel, the base deployed a swamp buggy to further neutralize some identified local
refineries equipment/material in the communities. On the same day, NNS SOROH in
Yenagoa intercepted a market boat with about 10,000 litres of locally refined AGO
around Ezetu community.

The product was carefully concealed in the boat but was
evacuated and neutralized. Also, acting on intelligence, the Base arrested a Ford Model
Bus around Akenfa area of Yenogoa.

The vehicle was laden with about 2,000 litres of
illegally refined products bagged for ease of haulage. It was revealed that the products
were procured from Onimbu Community enroute Ahoada, Rivers State. Effort was
made to hand over to the appropriate prosecuting agency for further investigation and
Similarly on 5 May 22, NNS PATHFINDER handed over MT JAZI to NIMASA.
Recall that the vessel had been arrested on 29 September 2021 for suspected stealth
activities within Nigeria’s maritime environment during which she switched off her
Automatic Identification System (AIS) in contravention of extant regulations. Mr
Joseph Bargha, the representative of the Zonal Director, NIMASA Eastern Zone
received the vessel for further investigation and possible prosecution. In the same vein,
NNS PATHFINDER handed over 6 wooden boats and 17 suspects to NSCDC, Rivers
State Command for suspected illegal bunkering activities and attempted bribery. The
boats and suspects had earlier been arrested during OPDDB. On the same day, FOB
BONNY, around Bonny-Bodo Road and Andoni River entrances discovered an IRS at
Orutoro behind Peterside Community. Accordingly, the 4 storage tanks ladened with an
estimated 800,000 litres of AGO were destroyed. Furthermore, FOB BONNY based on
credible information proceeded to Obunku Creek around Atumakri community where a
previously deactivated IRS was discovered to have been reactivated. At the site, was a
cluster of different IRS camps with 6 refining pots and 6 empty metal tanks. The FOB
traced a network of pipes and hoses connected to 2 Tampaulin storage tanks containing
about 500,000 litres of stolen crude oil. The products were subsequently destroyed
while the tanks and drums were reserved for swamp buggy operations due to
accessibility limits and the expanse of the area. Further to this, FOB BONNY
intercepted 2 large wooden boats in a nearby creek, laden with about 200,000 litres and
300,000 litres of stolen crude oil and AGO respectively. The boats and products were
destroyed appropriately. Major clearance operations are envisaged at identified IRS
areas of Kalibiama, Ijawkiri, Atumari and Andoni communities.
On 6 May 2022, NNS PATHFINDER in Rivers State arrested 2 wooden boats laden
with unspecified amount of locally refined AGO within the Port Harcourt Channel.
Same day, the Base continued swamp buggy operations in Cawthorne Channel to
destroy identified IRS. The Base again intercepted 4 wooden boats laden with suspected
illegally refined AGO at Isaka Junction. Additionally, a fibre boat carrying 30 drums of
suspected illegally refined AGO was intercepted and arrested at the same location. All
were recovered to the Base jetty for further action. Likewise, NNS DELTA on the same
day acted on credible intelligence and arrested 4 suspects with 6 trailer trucks around
Elume axis in Sapele LGA of Delta State. The trucks were cumulatively loaded with


about 2,700 x 50-litre sacks containing about 135,000 litres of suspected illegally
refined AGO. The arrested trucks were moved to Warri for further investigation. Also,
the Base intercepted and destroyed a 115hp fibre boat laden with about 1,750 litres of
illegally refined AGO around Okwagbe Creek of Burutu LGA. Also, intercepted at
Benin River were 6 small wooden boats around Opuama Creek in Warri North LGA.
The wooden boats were cumulatively laden with about 5,000 litres of stolen crude oil.
Accordingly, the wooden boats and product were destroyed.
Meanwhile, on Saturday 7 May 2022, FOB ESCRAVOS in Delta State discovered an
IRS along Egwa 1 Creek in Warri South-West LGA. The IRS had a total of 6 ovens, 12
metal storage tanks and 4 large pits collectively laden with about 150,000 litres of stolen
crude oil. The product was destroyed appropriately while 5 pumping machines were
recovered. The FOB also intercepted a speedboat fitted with 115hp engine and laden
about 2,700 litres of illegally refined AGO. The speedboat driver capsized the boat and
fled to escape arrest. Nevertheless, the speedboat and product were destroyed. In the
same development, FOB BONNY, commenced swamp buggy operations from Creek 6
where a previously deactivated IRS with a wooden boat was observed to have been
reactivated. Hence, both were deactivated manually. Thereafter, at Ogbunku area of
Atumakiri community, a new and an old IRS were sighted with several storage pits and
tanks that were arranged in such a manner as to mislead anyone visiting the site. A
network of hoses and pipes were traced to another massive IRS where 2 Tampauline
storage tanks laden with about 600,000 litres of stolen crude oil including 6 storage pits,
6 empty storage tanks, 2 large pits were discovered and destroyed appropriately.
In furtherance of OPDDB, on Sunday 8 May 2022, FOB ESCRAVOS in Delta State
intercepted a speed boat laden with about 1000 litres of illegally refined AGO along
Ogbe Ijo Creek. The boat driver upon sighting the naval personnel changed route to a
shallow creek, grounded the boat and escaped. Similarly, NNS SOROH on 9 May 2022
at Okarki discovered an ongoing construction of 15 ovens and 20 storage tanks at
various stages of completion. The service of local welders was employed to dismantle
some of the ovens and storage tanks within Okarki while the Base returned the next day
to find that 10 of the remaining yet to be destroyed storage ovens had been moved away
from site. The10 storage ovens were rolled over into Okarki River and concealed 2km
away from the IRS. Subsequently, 2 more of the 10 storage ovens were dismantled
successfully. Similarly, on Tuesday 10 May 2022, the FOB raided a newly discovered
IRS along Akantu Creek in Warri North LGA. The IRS had a total of 15 ovens, 29
metal storage tanks and 3 large pits collectively laden with about 125,000 litres of
illegally refined AGO and 150,000 litres of stolen crude oil. Additionally, 25 x 25 litres
gallons containing product suspected to be illegally refined DPK was discovered in the
surrounding bushes. All the products were destroyed while 4 pumping machines were
recovered from the site.
Relatedly, on Wednesday 11 May 2022, FOB ESCRAVOS discovered an IRS along
Tibo/Ajuomo Creek in Warri South-West LGA where a total of 15 ovens, 19 metal
storage tanks and 4 large pits collectively had about 150,000 litres of illegally refined


AGO and 200,000 litres of stolen crude oil. Also, 45 x 25litre gallons containing
illegally refined AGO were discovered at the site. All the products were destroyed
appropriately. Also, one pumping machine, one generator, and one dane gun were
recovered from the site. Following the earlier destruction and deactivation of an IRS at
Okraki general area by NNS SOROH on 9 May 2022, the operators of the destroyed
IRS mobilized about 40 armed men to resist the Base’s clearance operation within
Okraki area on 11 May 2022. Consequently, NNS SOROH along with elements of 16
Brigade Nigerian Army and Sector 2 DSS Joint Task Force Operation DELTA SAFE
(JTF OPDS) returned later to Okarki area to disperse the criminals who had barricaded
the access road. The criminals opened fire from different directions and were
immediately engaged by the troops in a shootout which lasted for about 2 hours after
which the criminals escaped through the bush path around the location. Thereafter, the
blocked access roads were cleared by the troops.
Meanwhile on 12 May 2022, Naval Security Station 022 under NNS PATHFINDER in
Rivers State arrested one wooden boat laden with unspecified amount of illegally
refined AGO along Cawthorne Channel II, Bille Junction. The boat and the suspects
were handed over for prosecution. Also on the same day, FOB ESCRAVOS in Delta
State around Escravos Break Waters intercepted a speed boat fitted with 200hp engine.
The speed boat was carrying 8 drums of illegally refined AGO. After a hot pursuit, the
speed boat driver beached the boat close to a community around Ogidigben Sea Shore
and ran into the bush. The 6 drums of the product were removed and neutralized while
the speed boat with the remaining 2 drums and a pumping machine were recovered.
Furthermore, on 13
May 2022, NNS DELTA at Koko intercepted a wooden boat hidden around Obodo
creek in Warri North LGA. The boat was laden with about 30,000 litres of suspected
stolen crude oil. Accordingly, the boat and product were destroyed. Further exploitation
of the area uncovered an IRS located around Akpata creek in the same Warri North
LGA. The site had a wooden boat, 2 metal storage tanks and 2 large pits all containing
about 30,000 litres of suspected stolen crude oil and 20,000 litres of suspected illegally
refined AGO. Accordingly, the site was deactivated. Also, one speedboat and one
wood-sawing machine were recovered from the site. Later, a wooden boat laden with
about 40,000 litres of illegally refined AGO was intercepted around Akpalakpa creek at
Abigbodo Koko in Warri North LGA of Delta State. Accordingly, the wooden boat and
product were neutralized appropriately. Items recovered from the IRS at Akpata creek
included 2 boats and outboard engines. Another IRS in Koko around Abiala creek in a
border town between Koko and Ologbo communities in Warri North LGA was
discovered. The site had about 4 ovens, 4 metal storage tanks and 4 large pits
cumulatively laden with
about 40,000 litres of suspected stolen crude oil and about 20,000 litres of suspected
illegally refined AGO. Accordingly, the site was deactivated and appropriately
neutralized while 2 rolls of hoses were recovered from the site. Also, NNS DELTA
intercepted a speed boat laden with 5 drums of illegally refined AGO around Bennet
Creek in Warri South West LGA. The visit to Bennet Island by the Base revealed that
once deactivated IRS and camps remain inactive. However, an IRS around Apkata in
Warri South West LGA having 13 ovens, 6 metal storage tanks and one large pit with


about 400,000 litres of suspected illegal refined AGO and 2 wooden boats of which one
was laden with about 10,000 litres of stolen crude oil and the other containing about
5,000 litres of illegally refined AGO were found. The camp and the wooden boats were
neutralized appropriately. Again, NNS DELTA discovered another IRS around Lelemu
in Warri South West LGA, which had 3 ovens laden with about 100,000 litres of PMS,
one metal storage tank, 2 wooden boats laden with about 5,000 litres of locally refined
products stored in several polythene bags. These were all neutralized.
In addition, NNS DELTA intercepted and destroyed a wooden boat laden with
about 750,000 litres of suspected illegally refined AGO around Asugbo Creek in Warri
South LGA. Further exploitation led to the discovery of an IRS around the same
Asugbo creek which had 2 ovens, 6 metal storage tanks and 2 dugout pits cumulatively
laden with about 120,000 litres of stolen crude oil. Furthermore, another IRS around
Ukpogbene Creek in Warri South West LGA was discovered. The site had 4 ovens and
6 metal storage tanks cumulatively laden with about 200,000 litres of stolen crude oil
and about 150,000 litres of illegally refined AGO. Accordingly, the sites were
deactivated and the product were denied the criminals while one pumping machine was
recovered from the site. In the same vein, the Base located another IRS around Asugbo
Creek in Warri South LGA which had 2 ovens, 4 metal storage tanks and 7 large pits
cumulatively laden with
about 400,000 litres of suspected illegally refined AGO. Off the same creek, another
IRS with 2 ovens, 2 metal storage tanks, 7 large pits and about 150 bagged products, as
well as one wooden boat cumulatively laden with about 80,000 litres of suspected
illegally refined PMS were identified. All these and those earlier mentioned were
deactivated and neutralized. Also, one outboard engine and 2 pumping machines were
recovered from the site.
In summary, Weeks 5 and 6 of OPDDB witnessed seizures and arrests of over 6 million
litres of products and stolen crude oil including more than 20 suspects many of whom
have been handed over for prosecution. The period under review also brought to fore
the resort to armed resistance by the economic saboteurs and criminals particularly at
Okarki, a border community between Rivers and Bayelsa States. This development will
not deter the Nigerian Navy from enforcing zero tolerance for economic sabotage and
criminality in Nigeria’s Maritime Environment particularly at the backwaters.

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