Tribute to an exceptional ACP, Emmanuel Idowu Asufi- Ishaq Salihu Ismail

By ACP Ishaq Salihu Ismail

Death where is thy sting? Like a thief, you stealthily sneaked and preyed on one of our finest. This afternoon’s terse WhatsApp message by, our friend ACP Victor Erivode , shattered my day. I know victor very well and knows he does not joke on issues concerning death.

He has suffered recently the loss of his dear parents, and knows personally what it feels to loose someone dear. I never doubted the message nor the messenger. How can I , when the glorious Quran had told us, “ every life must taste death”. The human in me couldn’t believe nor is prepared that, my friend and brother for nearly three decades slumped and gave up the ghost!!!

The pang of hunger and thirst of Ramadan, is eclipsed by the gloom my friend’s family are wrapped up in tonight. My emotions are on a roller coaster tonight, when and how did I met Emmanuel Idowu Asufi.

I can’t really remember exactly. As cadet Assistant Superintendent of Police &Inspector ;on Training at the premier Nigeria Police Academy, Wudil  ,  in 1994, we became friends and later bond of brotherhood.

He was so accommodating and caring that, he takes it upon himself to fight on the side of the downtrodden. He believes in our unity as a nation. He speaks Yoruba fluently, No Igbo man from Nnewi or anywhere , that can doubt or challenge Asufi’s fluency of the language . In Hausa language, Asufi speaks the language like Jaki Kano.

Amongst our course-mates, Asufi has transverse the entire regions of the country and apart from medicals, dog or K9 section , there is literally no department of the force that, he has not served and excelled in, from PMF, Operations , Investigation to training Institutions, Asufi’s legacy or footprint is there for posterity.

From Bama, Zamfara , Imo, Lagos , Rivers,  Imo to Bayelsa…. Asufi has been there.

His love for education and sheer determination to take his destiny in his hands, made this Edo state born cop, joined the police force as a beat constable and acquired a degree  , that enable him to join us at Wudil as force entrant, and become an Assistant Superintendent of Police.

His restless spirit and perseverance pushed him to study law as an adult and family man. He obtained his LLB and finally the law school to become a lawyer of the supreme court of the Federal Republic.

His loyalty to his friends’ borders on extremism. He can go to the moon and back for a friend or family ; When we were in the Academy he often brags with Seriake Dickson , who is now a distinguished senator of the federal republic and was the Immediate past Governor of oil rich Bayelsa state and who Asufi served as CSO when he was a Governor. Till this evening Asufi’s  WhatsApp profile picture is that of the country man.

He loved and played scrabble very well and his sparring partners were Jitobo Moses who is now the Deputy Inspector General of police In-charge of ICT and Anthony Emefile. Whenever, I go to his block to see Neddo Bello Shehu, the present DC Operations Bauchi command, I always almost veer to Asufi’s room and meet him with his people playing one indoor game or the other. I can go on and on about our friend and brother, but three incidences demonstrated how exceptionally and selfless he was and what he does to accommodate and help his fellow “brothers.

At the height of the “ unknown Gun men” attack on police men and critical national assets, ACP Nuhu Darma aka Baba Katsina was Transferred to Imo, Asufi went out of his way to take some gallant boys from his area command and picked Baba Katsina from the airport , secured accommodation for his Katsina brother and stayed with him until he became settled.

He amongst over 20 course-mate honored me with their presence at both Katsina and Kano, when my first son Arch Mujtaba S Ishaq married his heart robe Sadiya Ishiyaku Tarno in 2019.

He flew from Rivers to Kano defying the famous December harmattan of the North.

Our course is a blessed course. we have so far produced a two term Governor, a two former members of the House of representatives, a ranking current House of representative law maker, a CEO of a Satellite Television , a first class traditional ruler, a current Senator and a Deputy Inspector General of police. We have plethora of ex this and current this and that of the Nation. i have never seen this exceptional and blessed course so shell shocked and numb as the sudden departure of Emmanuel Idowu Asufi.

What will make Deputy Commissioner of Police, Hope Okafor wrote “ Oh no, no, no. In my state of shock and confusion I find it difficult to write RIP . Omg!   Words failed me here, I must confess. May God Almighty grant your soul eternal rest through CHRIST Our LORD, Amen”

For Deputy Commissioner of Police Sunday Oke the loss is “ a colossal and monumental loss! You were the voice of the voiceless and the engine room of this great platform. You have no doubt left a vacuum in every setting you represented. ..Adieu, worthy ambassador.”Asufi has been an exceptional person since I met him in 94. I speak for everyone when I say truly and deeply we have lost one of the very best out there. He indeed was more of a brother than a friend. All I can pray of is that God in his infinite mercy grant his family the strength to pass through this trying times. My condolences to his wife and kids.

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