Pix; L-R Isiaka Mustapha, CEO, People’s Security Monitor with Alhaji Aminu Sulaimon, DG, Tinubu Support Organisation shortly after his interview in his Abuja office yesterday.

“I can assure that Nigeria and Nigerians would be effectively protected if Asiwaju Ahmed Bola Tinubu is elected as the Nigeria’s next President.

The fact that Lagos state security apparatus under the watch of Asiwaju Tinubu was effectively explored and utilized to the fullest advantage to guarantee reasonable level of security while he served as Governor is enough conviction and pointer to the fact that Nigeria would definitely enjoy the much needed peace under the leadership of Asiwaju Ahmed Bola Tinubu.

He’s a unique leader with a great deal of sterling attributes; he knows what it takes appeal to be in saddled with responsibilities of leadership irrespective of individual status, religion or political affinity; because he’s a natural leader. Let no one be deceived; the truth is that Asiwaju Tinubu has overtime acquired so much economic and security skills all over the world, and I can tell you for free without fear of contradiction that Asiwaju Tinubu has got the contemporary methodology and skills  to address the issue of insecurity in Nigeria appropriately. He enjoys tremendous affection and love from millions of Nigerians and non Nigerians.

Lagos was a very notorious entity of criminals before he was elected as Governor. But what happened after his election, he quickly swung into action and brought down the state crime rate to the lowest ebb; not minding the fact that he was not in charge of the police, but being a good leader and administrator that he is, he conceptualized a formidable and robust synergy among all the security organs in Lagos state, and this effectively yielded desired results in all fronts.

Beyond security based issues, I can say without fear of contradiction that Asiwaju Tinubu by all standards is very efficient and capable of leading Nigeria to the land of our dream, because, he’s got all that it takes to effect positive changes Nigerians are yearning for. He’s a stabilizing political personality in Nigeria, and he’s endowed with virtually all the attributes that are required of Nigerian leader.

Aiwaju Tinubu is a non-tribalistic Nigerian; he does not discriminate, every part of Nigeria is home to Asiwaju Tinubu.

He’ Compassionate and feels for others, he’s ever willing to sort out other people’s problems, no matter where you come from. He’s so accommodating and tolerant, and this explains his forgiving sprit, he does not keep grudges.”

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