
  It is a privilege and honor for me to welcome you all to this occasion organized by The Oworo Foundation, it is a maiden edition of Oworo National Colloquium. This event is a unique one as it is different from our usual Oworo Assemblies. Today, we are holding a colloquium (an academic conference) to address various issues confronting the development in Oworoland. 

  The place of Oworo people in the Niger-Benue Confluence Area has been a Subject of discussion in political, social econo-cultural circles. The history of Oworo nation is that which is chronicled with chequered events and issues concerning her developments in the areas of economic, political and cultural sphere of life. We have been struggling for economic and political spaces within the context of Kogi State and Nigeria Federation over the years despite our enormous natural and resilient Human Resources endowed with virtues of high performance and perseverance.

  In examining Oworo nation in the Context of National questions relative to other ethnic nationalities vis-à-vis her predicament within the nation’s political and economic settings, an attempt to find solutions to our myriad of problems and issues became not only apparent but obvious.

  It is in the light above, that a community-based intellectual consortium that would mobilize our community into Public Space through a conscious intellectual and academic activities become not only thoughtful but a reality. This is the drive that gave birth to THE OWORO FOUNDATION on the 23rd October, 2019 and got registered with Corporate Affairs Commission on the 27th May, 2020. The Oworo Foundation is made up of carefully selected progressive and vibrant Oworo sons and Daughters at home and abroad. 

The VISION of The Oworo Foundation is to serve as a veritable platform for the promotion and advancement of Oworo and its heritage and its MISSION is to advocate in all issues of development in Oworoland through intellectual advancement using research, documentations and Public presentations that would advocates and create awareness leading to peace, unity, progress and sustainable developments in Oworoland. The Foundation’s Board of Trustees are members of men and women of Oworo nation who has not only paid their dues to Oworo but Nigeria. They are persons of great and sound mind with proven high community and national pedigrees. The Foundation is banking on their characters and achievement in all areas of human endeavours. I thank them all for believing in us. 

This is our Board of Trustees Roll call;


  1. Elder Timothy S. Orungbami, mni
  2. Alhaji Hammid Taju
  3. Mr. Solomon B. Ibrahim, OON
  4. Chief Aiyedogbon Berida
  5. Alhaji Oladejo Ehimony
  6. Chief (Mrs) Bose N Musa
  7. Mrs. Alice Onimode
  8. Mr Ade Anlemi
  9. Mr. Kolade Babamadija Umoru

The Foundation is most grateful to our Board of Trustees, ably chaired by our indefatigable community leader, Elder Timothy S. Orungbami, mni for their words of encouragement, counsel at all times. They have given me and The Foundation their names to use for Oworo development, we are not taking this privileges for granted. They are truly great Sons and Daughters of Oworo, we are grateful. 

Therefore, the Aim and Objectives of The Oworo Foundation amongst others are,

  1.  To promote intellectual advancement and excellence through research documentation and public presentations of ideas, promotion of unity and progress of Oworo and its heritage, 
  2. To foster peace, unity, love amongst communities in Oworoland.

Further, The Oworo Foundation has its guiding principles which includes;

  1. Teamwork,
  2. Using knowledge in advancing development through sustained awareness creation and sensitization;
  3. To uphold tenets of intellectualism; Truthfulness, Simplicity and Humility.

  Distinguish Ladies and Gentlemen, it pleases God that The Oworo Foundation came on board at this time, it was Frantz Fanon in his famous book The Wretched of the Earth that Said, “Each generation must discover its mission, fulfill it or betray it, in relative opacity”. The time has come and we have discovered our mission and we shall try our best not to betray it. At this juncture, permit me to thank our numerous members at home and in Diaspora for their community patriotism and enthusiasm whenever they are called upon. The Foundation is always grateful to these illustrious sons of Oworo for their outstanding contributions; Dr. (Chief) Bandele Onimode, Dr. Abubakar Mohammed (UK), Dr. Abubakar Ibrahim (USA), Mr. Frank Abenemi, Chief Role M. Omanoba and Comrade Yahaya Abdullahii (Bradman), Engr. Yomi Benda, Mr. Sule Adoga Ibrahim, Mallam Denja Abdullahi (ANA) and Comrade Denja Yaqub(Lawman) and Barr. (Chief) Alhasan Aliyu. May God Almighty continue to bless them all.

    The Oworo Foundation being a Think-tank Consortium for Oworo is currently working on the history of Oworo, which would be made available to Olu of Oworo whenever it is ready. The Foundation is also sponsoring a website for Oworo ( and currently working hand-in-hand to produce Oworo Attire in Partnership with Miss Opeyemi Onimode and other Stakeholders.                The Oworo Foundation is also processing an approval for Oworo Journal of Development with National Library of Nigeria for the use of all sons and daughters of Oworo and indeed for public use.

The Foundation shall continue to play a key role in the development of Oworo and would always complement the efforts of other traditional Community Development Associations (Oworo Development Association) and others with Oworo interests and peculiarities.

  As we inaugurate The Oworo Foundation today to the Glory of God and to humanity, it is our fervent prayers that more of this shall happen in our live times. May God grant us the Grace to witness and enjoy the developmental changes we are all yearning for. On behalf of our very distinguished members of Board of Trustees and entire members of the Foundation, we welcome you all once more to this maiden edition of Oworo National Colloquium and I wish you all a happy stay throughout the Sessions. 

  Thank you for listening

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