Gombe 2022 Budget Proposal: Gov. Inuwa Yahaya Earmarks N1.7 billion For Internal Security

Protocols I begin by thanking Allah (SWT) for giving us good health and priviledge to witness the presentation of the 2022 Budget Proposal to this Honourable House, for deliberation and passage into Law as contained in the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, 1999 (as amended).

2.  I want to most sincerely appreciate the role of this Honourable House in our journey towards taking Gombe State to the next level.  The Honorable House has been very supportive and committed in the giant strides we have so far recorded since the coming of this administration.  Let me also acknowledge the fatherly support of our Royal Fathers, Religious Leaders, Community Leaders, the leadership and members of our great party – the All Progressives Congress, well-wishers and above all the good people of Gombe State by standing with us in this challenging times. Despite the resource constraints we are facing occasioned by the crash of global economy, we have continued to make progress towards actualizing the development Agenda of our State. 


3.  Rt. Hon. Speaker, Hon. Members, Distinguished Ladies and Gentlemen, for the 2021 fiscal year, we budgeted the total sum of One Hundred and Twenty Billion, Six Hundred and Twenty-Four Million, Seventy-Six Thousand, Six Hundred and Twenty-Eight Naira (N120,624,076,628.00) which was appropriated to meet our recurrent and capital budget aspirations.  You will recall that about 48.7% of the budgeted sum was earmarked for recurrent expenditure while 51.3% was appropriated for capital Expenditure. In order to meet with unanticipated expenditure, this Honorable House graciously approved the revision of the budget to One Hundred and Twenty Billion, Six Hundred and Sixty-Three Million, Eight Hundred and Fifty-Six Thousand, Six Hundred and Thirty-Six Naira (N120,663,856,636.00) reflecting a slight increase of 0.23%. 

 4. The 2021 budget was expected to be financed by our estimated recurrent revenue of Seventy-Six Billion, Two Hundred and Eighty-Six Million, Five Hundred and Thirteen Thousand, Naira (N76,286,513,000.00) and capital receipts of Sixty-Two Billion, Four Hundred and Fifty-Five Million, Four Hundred and Thirty-One Thousand, Three Hundred and Seventy-Four Naira (N62,405,431,374.00) and a closing balance of Seven Hundred and Thirty-Nine Million, Nine Hundred and Seventy-Six Thousand, Three Hundred and Seventy-Four Naira (N739,976,374.00). 

5.    As at September, 2021, we generated the sum of Sixty-Two Billion, Nine Hundred and Nine Million, Three Hundred and Seventy-Eight Thousand, One Hundred and Thirteen Naira Forty-One Kobo (N62,909,378,113.41) as recurrent revenue representing 66.8% of the recurrent revenue  estimate, while the recurrent expenditure for the same period was Forty-Eight Billion, Seven Hundred and Forty-Eight Million, Nine Hundred and Fifty-Eight Thousand, Sixty-Nine Naira Thirty-Two Kobo (N48,748,958,069.32) also representing 76.5% of the recurrent expenditure budget.  The capital receipts generated was Twenty-Five Billion, Five Hundred and Ninety-Eight Million, Two Hundred and Seventy-Four Thousand, Two Hundred and Sixty-Seven Naira Forty Kobo (N25,598,274,267.40) representing about 61% of the capital receipts estimate as at 30th September, 2021.  For the capital budget, the sum of Thirty-Three Billion, Nine Hundred and Ninety-Two Million, Seven Hundred and Twenty-Seven Thousand, Twenty-Two Naira Ninety-Five Kobo (N33,992,727,022.95) was expended towards implementing our capital projects.  This represents 59.6% of the capital budget.  The overall budget performance as at 30thSeptember, 2021 was 68.5%.  THE 2022 BUDGET 

6.  Our administration developed and launched the first Gombe State 10-year development plan (DEVAGOM).  The 2022 budget draws heavily on the aspirations of this Development Agenda around its five strategic pillars namely; Governance and Administration, Social development, Economic Development, Infrastructural Development and Sustainable Environment.

7.  Distinguished Ladies and Gentlemen, to continue with our transformational strategic thrust for the State as contained in the Plan, our focus for the 2022 budget will include efforts towards: – 

 (i)    Increasing the State Gross Domestic Product (GDP) per capita;

(ii)  High quality healthcare system including food and nutrition security;

(iii)               Promoting the role of women in development;(iv)   Protecting culture, heritage and our shared values;(v)    Strengthening our security infrastructure;

(vi)   Continued provision and modernization of infrastructure;

(vii)              Strengthening and creating new poverty reduction initiatives predicated on skills acquisition, job creation and reduced unemployment;

(viii)            Improved access to clean and safe water and sanitation;(ix)               Provision of affordable housing;(x)  Universal access to quality education;

(xi)               Promoting digital connectivity and rural electrification;

(xii)              Strengthening our internal revenue generation drive, ease of doing business and fiscal responsibility;

(xiii)            Strengthening development partnership; and(xiv)            Protecting the Environment and mitigating climate change.

8.  Hon. Speaker, Hon. Members, Distinguished Ladies and Gentlemen, it is in this regards that for the 2022 fiscal year, the sum of One Hundred and Fifty-Four Billion, Six Hundred and Ten Million, Six Hundred and Fourteen Thousand Naira (N154,610,614,000.00) is proposed to be expended. The budget is made up of Sixty-Nine Billion, One Hundred and Seventeen Million, Two Hundred and Fourteen Thousand Naira (N69,117,214,000.00) for recurrent expenditure representing 44.7% of the total budget, and Eighty-Five Billion, Four Hundred and Ninety-Three Million, Four Hundred Thousand Naira (N85,493,400,000.00) for capital expenditure which represents 55.3% of the budget sum.  This is envisaged to be financed by an estimated recurrent revenue of Seventy-Three Billion, Six Hundred and Twenty-Six Million, Seven Hundred and Eighty-Nine Thousand Naira (N73,626,789,000.00) and capital receipts of Seventy-Nine Billion, Eight Hundred and Sixty-Five Million Naira (N79,865,000,000.00) and an estimated closing balance of Four Billion, Eight Hundred and Eighty-One Million, One Hundred and Seventy-Five Thousand Naira (N4,881,175,000.00) 9.  The proposed sectoral allocation comprises of the following: –

i)   Recurrent Revenue Receipts.  This is expected to be sourced as follows: (a) Internally Generated Revenue-   N13,225,289,000.00(b) Statutory Allocation        – N36,000,000,000.00(c) Government share of VAT     – N18,000,000,000.00(d) Other FAAC receipts           –       N 6,401,500,000.00 

(ii)    Recurrent Expenditure: this comprises of the following: 

 (a)        Personnel Cost                       – N24,458,939,000.00(b)          Overhead Cost                        – N19,057,175,000.00(c)          Social benefits                        –              N 5,850,000,000.00(d)          Debt repayments                     – N19,123,000,000.00(e)          Grants and subsidies               –    N628,100,000.00

iii)              Capital Receipts: This is expected to be accrued from: (a)        Opening Balance           – N6,000,000,000.00(b)          Transfer from Consolidated                Revenue Fund                – N10,509,575,000.00 (c)          Local Govt. Contribution to                Joint Projects                  –               N 5,000,000,000.00 (d)         Domestic Grants              – N12,915,000,000.00(e)          External Grants                –               N 5,150,000,000.00(f)           External Loans                 –               N 6,800,000,000.00(g)          Domestic borrowings       – N50,000,000,000.00 (iv)              Capital Expenditure:  To implement this in the 2022 fiscal year, the sum of Eighty-Five Billion, Four Hundred and Ninety-Three Million, Four Hundred Thousand Naira (N85,493,400,000.00) is earmarked for the under-listed sectors:  (a)        Economic Sector              – N57,913,100,000.00(b)          Social Sector                    – N20,599,200,000.00(c)          General Administration     –               N 4,374,000,000.00(d)          Law and Justice                –               N 2,607,100,000.00 ECONOMIC SECTOR  (i)         Agriculture and Livestock  10.  For the 2022 fiscal year, our priority in this sector is to strengthen the Agricultural value-chain by boosting Small, Medium and Large-Scale agricultural processing in the State. To fund activities in this sector, the sum of Two Billion, Seven Hundred and Twenty-Three Million Naira (N2,723,000,000.00) has been allocated.

(ii)        Rural, Community Development and Cooperatives 11.  In the 2022 fiscal year, we shall continue with interventions to improve the quality of life in our rural communities within available resources.  Accordingly, the sum of One Billion, Nine Hundred and Ninety-Five Million Naira (N1,995,000,000.00) is earmarked for investment in this sub-sector.  (iii)       Trade, Industry and Tourism 12. As a result of our efforts, we are currently ranked number One in the Ease of Doing Business in Nigeria by the Presidential Enabling Business Environment Council. In this regard, the sum of Ten Billion, Nine Hundred and Thirty Million Naira (N10,930,000,000.00) is earmarked for investment in this sector in order to deepen our efforts.  (iv)       Works and Infrastructure 13. This sector is a priority for this administration due to the need to tackle the dilapidation of our infrastructure stock and completion of abandoned projects. Today, most of these projects have either been completed or are at various stages of completion. I have also given approval for the preparation of a 30-year Gombe State Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan (GSIIP).  The document will guide our infrastructure plans and implementation. For this, the sum of Twenty Billion, Nine Hundred and Ten Million Naira (N20,910,000,000.00) is earmarked for this sub-sector.  (v)    Housing and Urban Development. 14.  In line with our vision to facilitate good urban planning and development in the state, we have finalized arrangements to source for funding from Family Homes Fund to build 2,500 units of affordable and social houses.  Equally, our efforts to see the take-off of the projects and infrastructure of the Gombe Capital Special Development is on course. For this initiative, the sum of Seven Billion, Four Million Naira (N7,004,000,000.00) is proposed for investment for the Housing and Urban Development sub-sector in the 2022 fiscal year.  (vi)   Land Administration 15.  The Gombe Geographic Information Systems (GOGIS) has been empowered to develop and audit the Gombe Capital Special Development Zone as well as other development areas. GOGIS, when fully operational will be one of the major contributors to our IGR. To continue with this turn-around in land administration and management, the sum of Two Billion, Three Hundred and Thirty-Five Million, Five Hundred Thousand Naira (N2,335,500,000.00) is earmarked for expenditure in the 2022 fiscal year.  (vii)      Water Resources 16.   We have also continued with the efforts to follow with vigour the realization of the Pindiga water augmentation project, the Dukku and Gombe South Regional Water projects as well as the utilization of the water bodies along our river banks amongst others.  Accordingly, the sum of Six Billion, Two Hundred and Thirty-Eight Million, Six Hundred Thousand Naira (N6,238,600,000.00) is allocated for investment in the 2022 fiscal year.  (viii)      Environment and Forestry 17. To manage the environment, the Gombe State Ten Year Development Plan (2021 – 2030) has clearly spelt out strategies for addressing the challenges of environmental degradation and climate change. So far, we have ensured the implementation of the World Bank Assisted Nigeria Erosion and Watershed Management Project (NEWMAP) by paying the needed counterpart funds which enabled us to design and complete the GSU gully control erosion which stretches for about 7km.  The implementation of the Gombe Goes Green (3Gs) project is in progress and is a model for other states in the country.  In order to ensure sustainability of these efforts an Environmental Master Plan will be prepared to guide interventions in the sector.  To sustain these actions, the State has keyed into the Agro Climatic Resilience in Semi-Arid Landscapes Project (ACRESAL).  For the 2022 fiscal year, the sum of Four Billion, Five Hundred and Sixty-One Million Naira (N4,561,000,000.00) is earmarked for investment in the Environment and Forestry sub-sector.  (ix)       Science, Technology and Innovation. 18.  The world has gone digital and Gombe State is poised to be part of this development.  To reposition this sub-sector in the state the sum of Two Hundred and Sixteen Million Naira (N216,000,000.00) is allocated for the 2022 fiscal year.  SOCIAL SECTOR  (i)          Education 19. In our continued efforts to reposition the education sector, we have invested heavily in infrastructural improvement, quality assurance, deliberate attention to science, technology, engineering and mathematics studies amongst other interventions in SUBEB and BESDA. 20.  Work is currently on-going to upgrade five secondary schools to Mega Schools with a capacity to accommodate not less than 3,000 students each. On this, the sum of Two Billion, Seven Hundred and Seventy-Eight Million, Two Hundred Thousand Naira (N2,778,200,000.00) is earmarked for investment in the 2022 fiscal year.  
(ii)        Higher Education 21.  This administration has kept its promise of ensuring the growth and development of the Gombe State University, the College of Education Billiri, State Polytechnic, Bajoga and College of Legal and Islamic Studies Nafada, and the construction of a permanent site for the College of Nursing and Midwifery, Gombe. To continue with these efforts, the sum of Three Billion, One Hundred and Sixty-Two Million Naira (N3,162,000,000.00) is allocated in the 2022 fiscal year.  (iii)       Health 22. This administration has successfully revitalized 1 Primary Care Centre in each of the 114 wards of the state, upgraded the State Specialist Hospital in Gombe and established the Gombe State Hospital Services Management Board. Equally, we have embarked on the renovation of the Bajoga and Kaltungo General Hospitals, and the reconstruction of Kumo General Hospital, this is in a bid to ensure that we have 1 functional General Hospital in each of the senatorial districts. We shall continue with these efforts of improving access to quality healthcare services to the people of Gombe state and the sum of Six Billion, Twenty-Seven Million, Five Hundred Thousand Naira (N6,027,500,000.00) for investment in the 2022 fiscal year. (iv)  Youth and Sports Development 23. We shall continue to encourage and strengthen youth engagement in sports that serves as a unifying factor in our societies.  For this, the sum of Two Billion, Six Hundred and Sixteen Million Naira (N2,616,000,000.00) is earmarked for Youth and Sports Development sub-sector. (v)     Women Affairs and Social Development 24.  To promote the relevance of women, children and other vulnerable groups in decision making and the implementation of relevant policies and programmes in this sub-sector, the sum of One Billion, Three Hundred and Thirty-Nine Million, Five Hundred Thousand Naira (N1,339,500,000.00) is allocated for investment in 2022 fiscal year.  (vi)   Local Government and Chieftaincy Affairs 25.  In order to strengthen the synergy between the State and Local Governments, the Local Government Planning Bureau and the Joint Project Development Agency was put in place.  These institutional structures have helped in the implementation of projects and programmes at the Local Government levels. Our relationship with the traditional institutions have further helped in strengthening the implementation of projects and programmes for the teeming population at this level.  In the 2022 fiscal year, we shall continue with these collaborations and fine-tune the processes as the situation might warrant.  The sum of One Hundred and Fifteen Million Naira (N115,000,000.00) is proposed for investment in this sub-sector. (vii)   Internal Security and Ethical Orientation. 26.   Distinguished Hon. Members, we are all aware that this administration has accorded top priority to internal security and the re-orientation of mindset of our people towards peaceful co-existence and the protection of lives and properties. I wish to convey our appreciation to all the stakeholders especially the security agencies, the traditional, religious and community leaders for their efforts in sustaining peace in our societies.  The sum of One Billion, Seven Hundred and Thirty Million Naira(N1,730,000,000.00) is allocated for investment in the Internal Security and Ethical Orientation sub-sector. (viii)   Information and Culture. 27. We shall continue to provide the enabling environment for information dissemination and promotion of our cultural heritage. For this, the sum of Four Hundred and Five Million Naira (N405,000,000.00) is allocated in the 2022 budget. GENERAL ADMINISTRATION 28.  We shall continue to strengthen the civil service through capacity building, payment of salaries as well as addressing the needs of our retired civil servants for them to live a dignified retirement life.  You will all recall that upon assumption of office, we reduced the backlog of gratuities up to 2015 with plans to continue with this while ensuring timely enrolment of retired workers into the pension scheme. We have also implemented the national Minimum wage to our workers and have remained consistent. To boost morale in the service, I recently approved the promotion of 104 Directors in the service and this exercise will continue across all cadres. 29. This administration will continue to ensure good governance for the people and strengthen ministerial engagements for effective service delivery as well as ensure cordiality in the relationship between all arms of government. It is in this regards that we embarked on biometric verification and attendance processes to reposition and strengthen the civil service. For this sub-sector, the sum of Four Billion, Three Hundred and Seventy-Four Million, Five Hundred Thousand Naira (N4,374,500,000.00) is earmarked.  LAW AND JUSTICE 30.  This administration will continue to strengthen the operations of the Law and Justice sector for the benefit of all in the society.  The sum of Two Billion, Six Hundred and Seven Million, One Hundred Thousand Naira (N2,607,100,000.00) is provided in the 2022 budget for this sector. INTERNAL REVENUE GENERATION DRIVE 31.  Distinguished audience, the need to look inward and improve our internal revenue drive has become more pertinent now, given the challenges in the global oil market and the effect of the COVID-19 on the world economy.  It is in this regards that our administration has put in place several initiatives towards boosting internal revenue generation.  Some of these actions include repositioning the Internal Revenue Service for improved performance, identification of new revenue sources, advocacy and sensitization of the populace on the need to pay their taxes.  These efforts will be continued and stepped up as we strive to improve our internal revenue base. FISCAL RESPONSIBILITY 32. No matter how good our developmental initiatives and plans are, without fiscal discipline and responsibility, it will be an exercise in futility.  This administration will therefore continue to provide the enabling environment for the operation of this sector to ensure transparency and accountability. It is in line with this that I recently signed into law the Autonomy bill for the legislative and Judicial Arms of Government.   PRESENTATION OF THE 2022 BUDGET 33. Rt. Honourable Speaker, Honourable Members, Distinguished Ladies and Gentlemen, it is with sincere gratitude to Almighty Allah (SWT) that i present to the Honourable House the 2022 budget proposal of One Hundred and Fifty-Four Billion, Five Hundred and Ten Million, Six Hundred and Fourteen Thousand Naira (N154,510,614,000.00) tagged “Budget of Consolidation”.  This is because we intend to consolidate on gains made over the past 2 and half Years in the service of our people.  34.  I wish the Honourable House Almighty Allah’s guidance in your deliberations. 35.  May the Almighty Allah bless Gombe State and the Federal Republic of Nigeria. 36.  Thank you.





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