In order to upscale the capacity of officers of NSCDC Akwa Ibom State Command to discharge their duties effectively and professionally, the Command has organized an intensive One week capacity building workshop for all commissioned Officers serving in the state.

The week long training which started on Monday, 2nd September came to a close on Saturday, 7th September, 2024 and featured exercises, footdrills and parade to keep the officers physically fit, after which participants proceeded for lectures and interactions.

The training focused on: Intelligence/Investigations Procedure, Operational Planning/Rules of Engagement, Report Writing, Pistol Handling (Stripling and Assembling), Beat Management/Access Control, Disaster Prevention/Management and Public Speaking and was handled by experts and seasoned resource persons on the subject areas.

Participants in the training were Commissioned Officers from the rank of Assistant Superintendent to Deputy Commandant of corps and was based on schedule.

While flagging off the training, the State Commandant, Engr. Eluwade Eluyemi underscored the critical role of training in building personnels’ capacity to discharge their duties effectively.
According to the NSCDC boss

“This training is carefully packaged to build your capacity, refresh your knowledge, especially outdated ones, and acquaint you with all you need to be a gallant officer. Take every part of it seriously. It will cover physical fitness, pistol handling for officers as well as the rules of engagement and the intricacies of what you need to discharge the tripartite mandates of the corps effectively: protection of critical infrastructure, PGC operations and Crisis Management. In the end, I want to see better output”

The training featured theoretical and practical sessions, with simulations of scenarios.

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