Cross River NSCDC Helmsman, Commandant Charles Brown’s One-year Achievements Elicit Commendation, He thanks CG Audi For Providing Him With A Platform To Express Himself

It’s been commendation galore for the helmsman of the Cross River State Nigeria Security and Civil Defence Corps, Commandant Charles Brown, for his immense achievements a year after he took over the baton of leadership at the Cross River State headquarters of the NSCDC.

”We never thought he could make it happen within a span of a year, but we are shell-shocked that he has been able to turn around the fortune of the command, not only to the admiration of the public but also as a relief for us personnel, especially in the area of water supply and a clean environment to work in.” a top personnel of the Corps disclosed.

A working visit to the state command of the NSCDC on Wednesday showed ongoing tremendous renovation of the corps’ infrastructure, including the main building, car park, supply of solar-powered light poles within and outside the building, and provision of a borehole water supply, which were previously lacking at the NSCDC headquarters.

Speaking during an exclusive interview, Commandant Brown disclosed that his achievements within a year in office were informed by sincerity of purpose, strong will, and doggedness to improve on what he met on the ground. He emphasized that all the successes within a year in office could also be traced to his hardworking personnel who share the same dream with him.

Available records show that since assuming office a year ago, Commandant Brown has achieved the following: reconstruction of broken drainages; restoration of electricity; construction of the command’s entrance road; provision of over twenty (20) office tables for senior officers; equipping and furnishing of the commandant’s office with a ten (10) seater conference table for courtesy calls and large meetings; regular cutting and trimming of trees and grasses in the command; refurbishing of the command’s bus and the commandant’s escort Hilux; painting of the interior and exterior of the command’s office complex to boost the outlook of the corps; fortification of the access point; provision of a befitting office for the command’s public relations officers; provision of an office for the anti-vandal unit; a befitting office for the arms commander; a standard office for the ICT unit; and installation of a borehole in the command.

“I didn’t do it all alone. I’m lucky and fortunate to have a team of personnel who share the same dream with me. Of course, the fact remains that I am the initiator of the changes, but their loyalty and sense of input are also commendable. In all, I would like to express my appreciation to my Commandant General, Dr. Ahmed Abubakar Audi, mni, OFR, who has provided me with the platform to express my capacity and ability. I say a big thank you to him and seize this opportunity to also thank him for his guidance and directives, which have obviously added immense value to all we are doing at this command. We thank God for everything.” said Commandant Brown.

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