During an interview session last week with Isiaka Mustapha, Editor-in-Chief, People’s Security Monitor, Mr. Paul Igwebuike, the Commandant of the Kogi Command of the Nigeria Security and Civil Defence Corps NSCDC spoke extensively about the security workings of the NSCDC in Kogi State, and how impactful its Commandant General, Dr Ahmed Audi has been to the Corps in the State.

Early challenges.?

My assumption of duty in Kogi State has been a challenging one, and this is not something unsual, traditionally it has always been like that, but I must say that the challenges have realy spurred me into additional action.

There are new vistas, and we take it as it come. All we try to do is to be proactive, because challenges must come as far as the job is concerned. As a matter of fact, the security jobs itself revolves around challenges, we are compelled to combat insecurity from all fronts.

Also part of my initial problem was adapting to the weather condition in Kogi State, but within a short period I was able to acclamatise. Other challenges are similar to what is obtainable in other states, no difference really. It’s all about combating criminality, though it may be different in phases. The perculiarity of criminality in Kogi State is the issue of kidnapping, at a point it was so rampant, but with time and the cooperation of all the security agencies in the State, again taking into consideration the healthy  synergy among the the security agencies in the State it has been reduced to its lowest ebb. I must emphasise that the State government has been quite supportive to all the security agencies in the State. As I speak to you now all the security agencies are on top of the matter.

My assumption of duty in Kogi State has been a challenging one, and this is not something unsual, traditionally it has always been like that, but I must say that the challenges have realy spurred me into additional action. 

General rating of crime in Kogi State?

Frankling speaking crime cannot be completely wiped out in any society, especially the issue of kidnapping in Kogi Stae because no matter how you try you still have some criminally minded people who hell bent in this heinous crime, but in all these we have ensured as security agencies in the State that the kidnapping has been curtaile to bearest minimum level, not only kidnapping but other crimes in the State. Only recently we’re able to free some students kidnapped in the State, though unfortunately and sadly enough two of the students were killed in the process, of course one may not be able to rule out collateral damages in the fight against insecurity.

Number of arrests?

As you are aware the primary mandate of the NSCDC is to offer protection to critical assets and infrastructure of the government, and this you would agree with me must have involved lots of arrest of criminally minded people who involved in the vandalisation of government properties; but beyond this we are also duty bound to ensure safety of individual lives and properties, and this explains why we have consistently embark on a lot ofarresr of suspects. As I speak to you we have effected quite a lot of arrests, we are the same breath handling lots of litigations against suspects in all courts of jurisdiction. Additionally, we also have in our custody lots of recovered items and other ones forfeited to the government. So, in this regard I must commend the NSCDC in Kogi State.

Apart from kidnapping, are there other prevalent crimes in the State.?

What we should realise is that there are links in all crimes, and all the criminals get to know one another in the course of executing their heinous activities. Kogi State is particularly unique in this regard because is transit State, and is being bordered by about nine States in the country. There is no way you go to Abuja from Easter flank without passing through Kogi State, this of course has led to additional burden on the security issues in the State. And the fact of the matter is that we as security agents need to double up our efforts.

We should not also forget that Kogi is an industrial State that sit several top industries such as Dangote Cement at Obajana, Ajaokuta, Ajaokuta Steel Rolling and several others. All these are additional task for us in the State.

Actually, we have our men in all these places keeping vigil. But in all these I must give kudos to my Commandant General, Dr Ahmed Audi, he’s been of tremendous support, and serves as an inspiration to all of us at the Kogi NSCDC, he has provided with all the moral support tools to our job, like I said in my previous interview before now, Dr Audi can be described as a God’s gift to NSCDC taking into consideration his immense achievements since he took over the baton of leadership at the Corps

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