It would be recalled that the Nigerian Navy-led Operation DAKATAR DA BARAWO
(OPDDB) was flagged off on 1 April 2022 with the support of the Nigerian National
Petroleum Company (NNPC) Limited. Remarkable achievements were recorded by the
Navy in the first month of its execution for which the duration of the operation was
extended. For the month of May 2022, the Nigerian Navy sustained the fight against
crude oil theft (COT), illegal refining sites (IRS) and illegal bunkering. Also, the Navy
clamped down heavily on the suppliers and conveyers of illegally/locally refined
On 14 May 22, Nigerian Navy Ship (NNS) SOROH at Yenagoa located a barge laden
with about 200,000 litres of illegally refined AGO at Wabrox jetty in Swali community
of Yenagoa. It was confirmed that Wabrox company used the barge as a floating jetty
while a yet to be identified man stored illegally refined petroleum products in it before
trucking the products. Accordingly, the company was sealed off while a crane was
contracted to unmoor the barge so as to convey it to the Naval Base jetty. Similarly, in
the very early hours of 15 May 2022, NNS SOROH intercepted 5 boats laden with
about 100,000 litres of illegally refined petroleum products. The boats and products
were neutralized in situ. Meanwhile, 7 suspects namely 4 males and 3 females (one
heavily pregnant) were arrested being occupants of the boats. Pertinently, the pregnant
female was confined to the Base Medical Centre until she and others were handed over
to the Nigeria Police.
Also, on 16 May 2022, Forward Operation Base (FOB) ESCRAVOS at Delta state
raided an IRS at Madangho creek in Warri SW LGA where 7 illegal refining units, 15
storage tanks and 4 large pits were discovered. A total of about 150,000 litres of
illegally refined AGO and about 250,000 litres of stolen crude oil were also found.
Consequently, the IRS and products were handled appropriately. On the same day, NNS
intercepted 3 x drums and 2 x 75 litre jerricans of suspected illegally refined AGO at
Nembe creek. The products were handled appropriately. Furthermore, on 17 May 2022,
NNS DELTA at Warri intercepted 5 wooden boats around Nana creek in Warri South-
West LGA of Delta state. The wooden boats were conveying about 960 x 50-litre
polythene bags containing about 48,000 litres of suspected illegally refined DPK.
Accordingly, the wooden boats and product were handled appropriately.

Meanwhile, on 18 May 2022, NNS DELTA deactivated an IRS around Egwa-
Okpogbene creek in Warri South-West LGA of Delta state. The site had 12 ovens, 16
metal storage tanks and 3 large pits cumulatively laden with about 75,000 litres of
suspected illegally refined AGO and about 80,000 litres of sludge. Further exploitation
led to the deactivation of another IRS in the same area having 8 ovens, 12 metal storage
tanks and 4 dug out pits cumulatively laden with about 120,000 litres of illegally refined
AGO and 100,000 litres of sludge. Additionally, the naval personnel deployed at the
Naval Security Station (NSS) 032 located 2 wooden boats hidden around Okpogbene creek in Warri South-
West LGA of Delta state. The wooden boats were laden with 200 x 30-litres of
polythene bags containing about 6,000 litres of suspected illegally refined AGO. Same
were handled appropriately. Also, FOB ESCRAVOS at DELTA State raided a
previously deactivated IRS along Akantu creek in Burutu LGA. The IRS was found to
have been reactivated with a total of 12 ovens, 20 storage tanks and 3 large pits
collectively laden with about 400,000 litres of illegally refined AGO and 290,000 litres of stolen crude oil. All the products were handled appropriately.
On 19 May 2022, NNS SOROH proceeded to Okotogbotuo creek in Akassa/Brass LGA
where about 30 sacks of suspected illegally refined AGO were found and same were
destroyed in situ. Thereafter, at Okotogbotuo fishing camp, a search was conducted
after some persons were seen fleeing the camp on sighting the naval patrol. A wooden
boat laden with suspected illegally refined AGO in 35 sacks and another 55 sacks of
kerosene were discovered at different points within the fishing camp. These were
handled accordingly. Additionally, one 9 Hp boat engine was recovered to the Base. On
the same day, NNS DELTA at Warri intercepted a Toyota camry with plate number AS
685-UGH conveying 40 x 30-litres polythene bags containing about 1,200 litres of suspected
illegally refined AGO around trailer park along Warri-Sapele road in Uwvie LGA.
Accordingly, the vehicle and products were handled appropriately. Same Thursday 19
May 2022, NNS LUGARD at Lokoja around Jamarta checkpoint arrested two 33,000
litres tankers with plate numbers SBA 385 XA and KNC 52 YT, conveying products
suspected to be illegally refined Low Pour Fuel Oil (LPFO). The 2 x trucks as well as
the 6 drivers and mechanics were detained in the Base while samples of the product
would be taken for laboratory analysis to ascertain for further action.
Relatedly, on Friday 20 May 2022, a joint team of NNS SOROH/Sector 2 Operation
DELTA SAFE/16 Brigade Garrison commenced swamp buggy operations within IRS at
Okarki, Elelebiri and Otegwe communities in Ogbia LGA of Bayelsa State.

A total of 29 refining tanks and 62 surface reservoirs with other illegal refining equipment floating
on river Okarki were crushed. Same day, NNS DELTA at Warri located and destroyed
an IRS around Okpedebubo creek in Warri South-West LGA of Delta state.

The site had 9 metal storage tanks, 3 ovens, one large pit collectively laden with about 112,000 litres
of suspected illegally refined AGO and 50,000 litres of suspected stolen crude oil.
Further exploitation of the area by the Base, led to the discovery of another IRS around Jones creek in Warri South-West LGA. The site had 2 ovens, 7 metal storage tanks and
one large pit all laden with about 75,000 litres of suspected illegally refined AGO and
50,000 litres of crude oil. In addition, 6 pumping machines, one power generator and
one roll of hose were discovered on the site. Accordingly, the site was deactivated and
handled appropriately. Meanwhile, NNS PATHFINDER intercepted one wooden boat
laden with unspecified amount of suspected illegally refined AGO around Isaka
junction, Taraba jetty. Also, at Cawthorne channel, in collaboration with the NSCDC,
NNS PATHFINDER intercepted another wooden boat laden with unspecified amount of
crude oil. Accordingly, the 2 wooden boats and 3 others earlier intercepted within
Bakana creek including 6 suspects and several drums of petroleum products were
handed over to the NSCDC Rivers State for further investigation and possible
prosecution of the suspects.
Likewise, on 21 May 2022, NNS SOROH intercepted a wooden boat heading to the
high sea conveying products suspected to be illegally refined crude oil. Consequently,
the boat and its 3 occupants were arrested. Also, the Base located an IRS behind
Okubotuwo fishing camp axis. The site had 3 refining units, one large pit containing
about 40,000 litres of illegally sourced crude oil and 50 sacks of AGO. In a related
development, FOB BONNY at Bonny Island discovered several illegal refining sites at
Orutoro behind Peterside community. There were 6 storage tanks and 3 massive pits
filled with
about 700,000 litres of AGO and 800,000 litres of crude oil. All were handled
In continuation of OPPPB, on 22 May 2022, NNS PATHFINDER maintained presence
at the market square in Cawthorne channel. Subsequently, 14 refining pots, 12
reservoirs and 11 storage tanks were discovered off the channel and destroyed.
Additionally, the Base intercepted 2 wooden boats at Namasibi. The boats were laden
with products suspected to be stolen crude and same were handled appropriately. Same
day, FOB BONNY discovered several pit reservoirs interconnected with a network of
hoses at an IRS at Ogbunku creek. Also, 3 massive pits filled with huge quantity of
stolen crude were discovered. Additionally, the Base sighted a large wooden boat with
50 drums of locally refined AGO within the area. All the boats and IRS related facilities
sighted were handled appropriately. Relatedly, NNS SOROH discovered an assembly
point and 4 stores filled with 7000 litres of PMS and 25000 litres of AGO stored in
drums including 10000 litres of AGO stored in sacks. The products were destroyed in
Furthermore, on 23 May 2022, NNS DELTA at Warri, located and deactivated an IRS
around Opuday-popor creek in Gbaramatu kingdom of Warri South-West LGA. The site
had 8 ovens, 12 metal storage tanks and 4 large pits collectively filled with about 60,000
litres of suspected illegally refined AGO and about 100,000 litres of stolen crude oil.
Further exploitation of the general area led to the discovery of another IRS around
Opumami-asisa creek in Ogbe-Ijaw within the same LGA of Delta state. The site had 4
ovens, 7 metal storage tanks and 3 large pits all containing about 80,000 litres of
illegally refined AGO and 150,000 litres of stolen crude oil. Accordingly, the site was


handled appropriately. Items recovered include 2 surface pumping machines, 8 metal
sheets, 6 metal pipes and 4 iron rods. Similarly, NNS PATHFINDER destroyed 16
pots, 8 reservoirs and 16 storage tanks during a swamp buggy operation around market
square. A day after, precisely on 24 May 2022, FOB BONNY discovered several IRS at
Iwokiri and Akulakiri behind Peterside community in the Bonny general area. The sites
had interconnecting hoses which aided the discovery of the major points with 2 storage
tanks, 4 drums and a storage pit filled with unspecified quantity of AGO. All these
were handled appropriately.
Similarly, on 25 May 2022, FOB ESCRAVOS in Delta State visited a previously
deactivated IRS along Banga/Madangho creek in Warri South-West LGA. Though the
IRS was found inactive, some ovens were found to be at different stages of
reconstruction. Also, 13 large pits were discovered to be filled with about 400,000 litres
of stolen crude oil indicating the likelihood of imminent reactivation. All the products
were handled appropriately. Also, the Base recovered 2 pumping machines. In the same
vein, NNS DELTA at Warri intercepted a wooden boat hidden around Akpalakpa creek
at Abigbodo community in Warri North LGA. The boat was laden with about 60,000
litres of suspected stolen crude oil. Accordingly, the boat and product were destroyed in
situ. Furthermore, the Base discovered another wooden boat laden with about 80,000
litres of suspected stolen crude oil along the same Akpalakpa creek. The wooden boat
with its content was likewise destroyed. Upon further exploitation of the area, an IRS
around Bikoko creek in Warri North LGA was discovered having one large pit and 2
metal surface tanks filled with about 60,000 litres of suspected stolen crude oil and
60,000 litres of suspected illegally refined AGO. Accordingly, the site was deactivated.
Again, the Base discovered another IRS around Gboshedua creek in Warri North LGA.
The site had one large pit, 2 metal surface tanks and 200 x 25 litres polythene bags all
collectively filled with
about 40,000 litres of stolen crude oil and 20,000 litres of illegally refined AGO. The
site and products were destroyed. Furthermore, NNS DELTA discovered a large
quantity of suspected stolen crude oil estimated to be about 80,000 litres stockpiled in
polythene bags at around Keresan community in Warri North LGA of Delta state.
Accordingly, the products were all destroyed.
Also, on 26 May 2022, NNS SOROH in Bayelsa state arrested an abandoned barge
laden with suspected illegally sourced crude oil around Santa Barbara area close to a
wellhead. Same was towed alongside Aiteo houseboat at the same location for safe keep
while a tug was sourced to tow the barge to FOB FORMOSO. Likewise, NNS SOROH
along Akenfa area, arrested a truck and the driver. The truck was laden with about
20,000 litres of suspected illegally refined AGO. Also on the same day, NNS
PATHFINDER in Rivers state around Ilelama creek, off Cawthone channel intercepted
one wooden boat laden with
about 14,000 litres of product suspected to be illegally refined AGO. The boat and
product was destroyed in situ. In a related development, NNS LUGARD around Okumi
checkpoint along Lokoja-Abuja express road arrested a truck laden with product
suspected to be illegally refined AGO. Accordingly, the truck and 2 occupants were
detained in the Base while staff of Nigerian Midstream and Downstream Petroleum


Regulatory Authority (NPRA) (defunct DPR) were invited to take the sample of the
product for lab test.
Furthermore, on 28 May 2022, NNS DELTA at Warri located and deactivated an IRS
around Lelemu creek in Warri South-West LGA. The site had 5 ovens
and 11 metal storage tanks cumulatively laden with about 50,000 litres of suspected
illegally refined AGO and about 4,000 litres of suspected illegally refined DPK. Further
exploitation of the general area, led to the discovery of 4 large wooden boats
collectively laden with about 300,000 litres of suspected stolen crude oil hidden at
different points around Lelemu creek. The wooden boats and the product were handled
appropriately, while 3 pumping machines onboard the boats were recovered to the Base.
Also, FOB ESCRAVOS stormed Egwa community, a suspected collection /transit point
for illegally refined AGO. The Base intercepted 2 boats laden with about 10,000 litres
of AGO. Same was handled appropriately. One pumping machine and a 40 Hp
outbound engine were recovered. The base also visited a previously deactivated IRS at
Egwa, Ovuleye and Opobene creeks in Warri South-West LGA. It was discovered that
some of the IRS were inactive and some had been reactivated with evidence of illegal
refining activities. In all, the IRS had 7 active ovens and 15 receiver tanks filled with
about 90,000 litres of illegally refined AGO, 50,000 litres of stolen crude oil and 20,000
litres of DPK. The products were handled as appropriate. Additionally, 2 pumping
machines were also discovered and handled as appropriate on the site.
Meanwhile, on 29 May 2022, FOB ESCRAVOS again around Escravos break waters
within Ugborodo sea shores in Warri South West LGA, sighted 3 wooden (‘Cotonou’)
boats. The boats were found to be void of product but with other equipment.
Consequently, one 130hp, 3 x 115hp, one 85hp and one 75hp outboard engines
including 5 pumping machines and 2 bundles of 3 inch and one bundle of 2 inch hoses
were all recovered for the boat after which they were handled as appropriate.
On 30 May 2022, NNS PATHFINDER around Cawthorne channel intercepted one
wooden boat laden with unspecified quantity of AGO and same was handled
appropriately. Also, NNS DELTA personnel deployed to the Naval Security Station
(NSS) 032 intercepted and destroyed 5 wooden boats laden with polythene bags
containing about 30,000 litres of suspected illegally refined DPK around Nana creek.
The base also located and deactivated an identified IRS around Ekpemu axis of Jones
creek in Warri South-West LGA. The site had 12 ovens and 25 metal storage tanks
cumulatively ladened with about 100,000 litres of suspected stolen crude oil and about
50,000 litres of suspected illegally refined AGO. Items recovered include 6 pumping
machines and
one 6000 watts generator. On further exploitation of the general area, the Base located
one large wooden boat ladened with about 40,000 litres of suspected stolen crude oil
positioned at an adjoining creek to Jones creek. The wooden boat and the product were
handled appropriately. Same day, NNS SOROH at Bayelsa state around Pirigbene creek
in Southern Ijaw LGA located an IRS where 2 large wooden boat containing about
10,000 litres of suspected illegally sourced crude oil and a fibre canoe were found. The
IRS also had 2 illegal refining units (ovens) and 3 large pits cumulatively ladened with


about 150,000 litres of suspected illegally sourced crude oil and 200,000 litres of
illegally refined AGO. Additionally, 4 metal storage tanks and sacks containing about
30,000 litres of suspected illegally refined kerosene with 2 large pits under
construction were found at the site. Same was deactivated accordingly. The Base
recovered 2 pumping machine, one Skyrun deep freezer, one Sumec fireman generator,
one 40hp and 8hp engine, one roll of taupoline, and 2 roll of hoses. Meanwhile, NNS
VICTORY at Calabar handed
over 252 bags of arrested foreign rice and 24 drums of suspected illegally obtained PMS
to the Nigeria Custom Service and NSCDC in the presence of the press in Calabar. The
items had been arrested by the Base during routine patrol during OPDDB.
Finally, on 31 May 2022, NNS PATHFINDER arrested one wooden boat laden with
unspecified amount of suspected illegally refined AGO along Cawthorne channel. Same
to be handled appropriately. Meanwhile, FOB ESCRAVOS at Delta State visited a
previously deactivated IRS along Jones creek in Warri South-West LGA. The IRS was
discovered to be inactive. Further exploitation of the area led to the discovery of new
IRS which had 3 ovens, 6 metal storage tanks, 2 surface pits, one wide pit and several
metal drums all approximated to contain about 75,000 litres of illegally refined AGO
and 100,000 litres of stolen crude oil. The products were handled as appropriate. The
Base recovered 3 pumping machines, a 7.5kw (18hp) generator, one filing machine and
one welding machine.
The Summary of data and achievements of OPDDB for the month of May 2022 is as
CRUDE OIL – 5, 675, 000 ltrs (35,691.823 bbls @ $105/bbl) = $3,747,641.415
(N 1,873,820,707.5)
DPK – 132625 ltrs @ N 565/ltr = N 74,933,125
AGO – 6,042,187 ltrs @ N 720/ltr = N 4,350,374,640
PMS – 180,000 @N 165/ltr = N 29,700,000
LPFO = 66,000 ltrs @N 225/ltr = N 14,850,000
Sludge = 180,000ltrs
Hundred and Forty-Three Million Six Hundred and Seventy Eight Thousand Four
Hundred and Seventy Two Naira Five Kobo only N6,343,678,472.5
ARRESTS – 28 persons
Wooden boats – 66
Vehicles – 6 Trucks, One Ford Model Bus, 3 Tankers and a Toyota Camry


IRS – 36
OVEN – 232

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